Welcome to my GitHub homepage!

This is a web page that gathers and lists some public work on which I’ve taken part in.


- LycanSec, a website about tech on which I write with some friends;

Computer Science

- The live demonstrations of the works I presented in the Computer Graphics course;

- A work based on the Chinese Postman Problem presented in the Operational Research course;

- The source code and results of the final task of the Computer Networks course. The task consisted of building a Linux-based environment and test the behaviour of TCP, UDP and ICMP protocols in four different setups;

- A small colection of very simple scripts that can be used during the information gathering step of a network pentest presented in the Security of Systems course;

- River Raid & Dodger Reloaded, two remakes of oldschool popular games and Critical Velocity Riders a single player race game prototype. All of them were developed using the Unity Engine during the Games Development course;


- An one hour long introductory talk (entitled “They are watching us”) about government mass surveillance and the Edward Snowden’s revelations (currently available at Odysee and LBRY);

- Material in a slideshow format regarding Edward Snowden’s revelations containing several sources of information and some studies too;


- A repository containing materials regarding the LoRa radio frequency transmission technology and LoRaWAN network protocol;

- RSSginal: an open source framework for generating and validating keys using the RSSI as input;

- LoRa RSSI Grabber: a framework to collect and store RSSI measurements obtained using mDot LoRa devices;

- A publicly avaliable LoRa dataset containing RSSI measurements from five surveys in different conditions.


If you want to talk about my research or source code, feel free to contact me on Telegram (leo_http) or Matrix (leo_http:matrix.org)


Access the source code of this page on this repository here

This page is a work in progress, from time to time I will update it. I hope anything here helps you.

See you around!

GitHub Profile Page | GitLab Profile Page | Lattes CV (?) | ORCID

🄯 2017 - 2024